Assessing genetic diversity of Tecomella undulata (Sm) - an endangered tree species using amplified fragment length polymorphisms-based molecular markers.
Current Science, 93 (1).
pp. 67-72.
Tecomella undulata is an important agro-forestry tree in the
western parts of India, which has been included in the list of
endangered plant species due to over exploitation. There is an
urgent need to formulate appropriate conservation and
breeding strategies to save this versatile tree. Quantification of
genetic diversity in the existing populations of T. undulata
prevalent in India, is an essential first step towards this
objective. The present work was undertaken to investigate the
utility of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)
markers in the assessment of genetic diversity and phenetic
relationship among 42 T. undulata plants collected from
different regions of India. Eight AFLP primer combinations
generated a total of 338 bands across the 42 T. undulata
accessions screened. On an average, 42 AFLP fragments were
amplified per reaction. Of the total 338 AFLP fragments, 71.7%
was polymorphic across all the accessions. From the AFLP data,
a similarity matrix based on Jaccard's coefficient was calculated
which was used for constructing a phenetic dendrogram using
UPGMA analysis. T. undulata accessions represented high
levels of genetic variation as indicated by GS values ranging
from 0.721 to 0.83, at which 42 T. undulata accessions
grouped together. The pattern of grouping in the phenogram
was highly consistent as indicated by high values of cophenetic
correlation (r = 0.87, P = 1) as also by high bootstrap
values at the key nodes. Principal correspondence analysis also
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revealed that T. undulata accessions were scattered on the
plot. Based on our study, it may be concluded that there is a
high level of genetic diversity in T. undulata accessions
analysed, which may be attributed to its out-crossing nature.
Our study may be useful in identifying diverse genetic stocks of
T. undulata, which may then be conserved on priority basis.
Author Keywords
AFLP; Conservation; Genetic diversity; Molecular makers;
Tecomella undulata
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