GOGOI , S and HAZARIKA , S and RAO , P G and DUTTA , N N
Esterification of lauric acid with lauryl alcohol using cross-linked enzyme crystals: Solvent effect and kinetic study.
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 24 (5).
pp. 343-351.
In this paper, we report a comprehensive kinetic study on esterification of lauric acid with lauryl alcohol catalyzed by
commercial porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) in the form of cross-linked enzyme crystals (CLEC) using glutaraldehyde as
thecrosslinker.ThestabilityoftheCLECwasbetter thantheimmobilized enzymefor practicalapplications.Comparative
studies using six different solvents having hydrophobicity (log p) values ranging from 0.70 to 3.50 revealed that the
esterification reaction was favoured in hydrophobic solvents. The kinetics of the esterification reaction conformed with
the so-called Ping-PongBi-Bi mechanism with alcohol inhibition.
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