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Number of items: 56.

Deb, M L and Bhuyan, P J (2008) A noval efficient method for the synthesis of unsymmetrical diindolylmethanes and heterocyclic (indolyl) alkanes. Synthesis (18). pp. 2891-2898.

BARUAH, R K and SAIKIA, B K and Baruah, B P and DEY, N C (2008) X-Ray scattering study of the average polycyclic aromatic unit in Ledo coal. J Applied Crystallography, 41. pp. 27-30.

BARUAH , S and HAZARIKA, D (2008) A GIS based tectonic map of Northeastern India. Current Science, 95 (2). pp. 176-77.

BORA, M M and BORTHAKUR, S and Rao, P G and DUTTA , N N (2008) Study on the reactive extraction and stripping kinetics of certain �-lactam antibiotics. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47. pp. 1-8.

BORAH , J M and Mahiuddin, S (2008) Adsorption and surface complexation of trimesic acid at the alpha-Alumina electrolyte interface. J Colloid Interface Science, 322. pp. 6-12.

BORAH , R C and GHOSH , PALLAB and Rao, P G (2008) Devolatilization of coals of North-Eastern India under fluidized bed conditions in oxygen-enriched air. Fuel Processing Technology, 89 (12). pp. 1470-1478.

BORTHAKUR, S and Hazarika, S and Dutta, N N and Rao, P G (2008) Enantioselective permeation of racemic alcohol through chiral polymeric membranes. In: Green Technology And Sustainable Development, Chemcon 2008, 27-30 Dec 2008, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineer, Chandigarh.

Barooah, P K (2008) Internet services - usages in academic library, In-Souvenir "Training cum workshop on automation in academic libraries", organized by CLISS. Dibrugarh University in colaboration with National Library, Kolkota, September 25-27. pp. 21-33.

Barthakur, M G and Borthakur, M and Boruah, R C (2008) Convenient preparation of A-ring fused pyridines from steroidal enamides. Synthesis, 73 (11). pp. 1137-1142.

Baruah, A and NATH, S C (2008) Cinnamomum tamala var. elliptifolium var. nov. (Lauraceae) from northeast India. Nordic J Botany, 26. pp. 203-206.

Bhati, N and Sarma, K and Goswami, A (2008) Alcohol oxidation in ionic liquid with USP and recyclable amberlite IR-120 acidic resin : a green approach. Chemistry Letter, 37 (5). pp. 496-497.

Bhati, N and Sarma, K and Goswami, A (2008) Conversion of Alcohols to Carbonyls and Monohydroxy Phenols with UHP in Ionic Liquid: Use of Acidic Amberlite Resin (IRA-120) as Catalyst. In: Twelveth International Conference on the Interface of Chemistry-Biology in Biomedical Research held at BITS-Pilani, 22-24 February 2008, Rajasthan.

Bhati, N and Sarma, K and Goswami, A (2008) Expedient method for oxidation of alcohol by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of amberlite IRA 400 resin (basic) as phase-transfer catalyst. Synthetic Communications, 38 (9). pp. 1416-1424.

Bhuyan, M and Mahanta, J J and Mech, J and Bhattacheryya, P R (2008) Morphological and biochemical characteristics of a cecidomyiid leaf gall of Machilus bombycina - a silkworm host plant,. In: XXIII International Congress of Entomology" held at Durban, 6-12 july 2008, South Africa.

Bora, M M and Dutta, N N and Rao, P G (2008) Selectivity in eactive extraction of 7-aminodeactoxy- cephalosporanic acid and cephalexin with Aliquat-335 , In--Book of Abstract. Green Technology And Sustainable Development, Chemcon 2008, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineer, Chandigarh,Dec 27-30, 2008, TP-1. p. 371.

Borah, J M and Mahiuddin, S (2008) Thermodynamic interpretation of adsorption of some benzenetricarboxylic and dihydroxybenzoic acids at the ?-alumina/electrolyte interface. In: 3rd National Conference on Thermodynamics of Chemical and Biological Sciences-2008, RTM Nagpur univ, Nagpur.

Borah, M N and CHALIHA, S and Sarmah, P C and Rahman, A (2008) Electrical and optical properties of thin film (n)CdSe/(p)CdTe heterojunction and its performance as a photovoltaic converter. J Optoelectronics & Advanced Materials, 10 (6). pp. 1333-1339.

Borah, M N and CHALIHA, S and Sarmah, P C and Rahman, A (2008) Studies on current-voltage characteristics of ITO/(n)CdSe-Al heterojunctions. J OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (10). pp. 2793-2799.

Borthakur, M and Barthakur, M G and Boruah, R C (2008) Microwave promoted one-pot synthesis of novel A-ring fused steroidal dehydropiperazines. Steroids, 73 (5). pp. 539-542.

Borthakur, M and Boruah, R C (2008) A microwave promoted and Lewis acid catalysed solventless approach to 4-azasteroids. Steroids, 73 (6). pp. 637-341.

Borthakur, M and Dutta, M and GOGOI , S and Boruah, R C (2008) Microwave promoted and Lewis acid catalysed synthesis of 2,4,6- triarylpyridines using urea as Benign souce of ammonia. Synlett (20). pp. 3125-3128.

CHALIHA, S and Borah, M N and Sarmah, P C and Rahman, A (2008) Effect of substrate temperature on structural properties of thermally evaporated ZnSe thin films. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (2). pp. 427-433.

DUTTA, S and MISHRA, A K and DILEEP KUMAR, B S (2008) Induction of systemic resistance against fusarial wilt in pigeon pea through interaction of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and rhizobia. Soil Biology Biochemistry, 40 (2). pp. 452-461.

Das , Sharma S and Hazarika, P and Konwar, D (2008) An efficient and one-pot synthesis of 2,4,5-trisubstituted and 1,2,4,5-tetrasubstituted imidazoles catalyzed by InCl3·3H2O. Tetrahedron Letters, 49 (14). pp. 2216-2220.

Das , Sharma S and Hazarika, P and Konwar, D (2008) A simple, green and one-pot four-component synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridines and their aromatization. Catalysis Communications, 9 (5). pp. 709-714.

Deb, M L and Bhuyan, P J (2008) An efficient method for the synthesis of indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles from 3,3'- bis(indolyl)methanes catalyzed by molecular iodine. Synlett (3). pp. 325-328.

Deb, M L and Baruah, B and Bhuyan, P J (2008) A facile synthesis of 6,12-disubstituted 5,7-dihydroindolo[2,3-b] carbazoles from the reaction of 1H-indole and aldehydes catalyzed by molecular iodine. Synthesis (2). pp. 286-292.

Dekaboruah, H P and Rabha, B K and Pathak, N and GOGOI , J (2008) Non-uniform, patchy stomatal closure of a plant is a strong determinant of plant growth under strassful situation. Current Science, 94 (10). pp. 1310-14.

Garuah, A and NATH, S C (2008) Ethnomedicinal plants from Gibbon wildlife Sanctuary of Assam, Indigenous ethnomedicinal plants. In: Ingigenous Ethnomedicinal Plants. Pointer, Jaipur, pp. 172-84.

Gogoi, A and Boruah, R K and Boruah, B P (2008) RDF (X-ray) Analysis of Tirap Coal. In: Harnessing National Resources Towards the Socio-Economic Development of North East India, Sept 2008, NN Saikia College,Titabor,Jorhat.

Gogoi, D K and Dekaboruah, H P and Saikia, R and Bora, T C (2008) Optimization of process parameters for improved production of bioactive metabolite by a novel endophytic fungus Fusarium sp. DF2 isolated from Taxus wallichiana of North East India. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24 (1). pp. 79-87.

Gogoi, D K and Mazumder, S and Saikia , R and Bora, T C (2008) Impact of submerged culture conditions on growth and bioactive metabolite produced by endophyte Hypocrea spp. NSF-08 isolated from Dillenia indica Linn. in North-East India. Journal de Mycologie Medicale, 18 (1). pp. 1-9.

Gogoi, S and Pathak, M G and Dutta, A and Dutta, N N (2008) Porcine pancreas lipase catalysed synthesis of lauryl laurate in organic solvent media : a kinetic study. Indian J Biochemistry Biophysics, 45 (6). pp. 192-197.

Goswami, T and KALITA, D and RAO, P G (2008) Greaseproof paper from banana (Musa paradisica L.) pulp fibre. Indian J Chemical Technology. pp. 457-61.

Goswami, T and Kalita, D and Hazarika, B K and Rao, P G (2008) Banana plant - potential source of raw material for hand made paper industry. Paper India, 11 (4). pp. 62-66.

Goswani, T and KALITA, D and RAO, P G (2008) Utilization of certain forest weed and agrowaste material for pulp and paper making. In: PaperTech India 2008 International Trade Fair Seminar on Pulp, 18-21 Sept 2008, Bombay Exhibition Centre.

HAZARIKA, S (2008) Enantioselective permeation of racemic alcohol through polymeric membrane. J Membrane Science, 310. pp. 174-183.

Hazarika, S and Dutta, N N and Rao, P G (2008) A quantitative structure activity relationship study on permeation of amino acids through membranes, In--Book of Abstract, "Green Technology And Sustainable Development, Chemcon 2008,. Indian Institute of Chemical Engineer, Chandigarh, ST-4. p. 348.

Hazarika, S and Dutta, S and Rao, P G (2008) Synthesis of chiral polymer by Mukaiyama alcohol polymerization and its characterization. J Polymer Materials, 25 (3). pp. 387-98.

Kakati, M and Gogoi, A and Boruah, R K and Dey, N C (2008) Turbo static Structure of Aromatic Layers in Tipong Coal: An X-ray Scattering Study. In: 53rd Annual Technical Session, Assam Science Society.

Kalita, D K and Boruah, R K and Dey, N C (2008) Petrography study of Lekhapani Coal: An X-ray Scattering Analysis. In: UGC Sponsored Natn. Seminer on Harnessing Natural Resources towards Socioeconomic development of North East India, 26-27 September 2008, NNS College, Titabar.

Khanikar, D and Unni, B G (2008) Seri-biodervisity conservation of muga silk worm, Antheraea assama food plants and its role in silk protein bio-synthesis, In-Proc. National Seminar on Bio-piracy, organized by DKD College, Dergaon under sponsorship of UGC, held on 7-8th Nov. p. 141.

Kotoky, P and Barooah, P K and Baruah, M K and Goswami, A and Borah, G C and Gogoi, H M and Ahmed, F and Gogoi, A and Paul, A B (2008) Fluoride and endemic fluorosis in the Karbianglong district, Assam. Fluoride, 40 (1). pp. 42-45.

Lekhok, K C and PRAJAPATI, D and Boruah, R C (2008) Indium(III) trifluoromethanesulfonate: An efficient reusable catalyst for the alkynylation-cyclization of 2-aminoaryl ketones and synthesis of 2,4-disubstituted quinolines. Synlett (5). pp. 655-658.

Mahiuddin, S and Minofar, B and Borah, J M and Das, M R and Jungwrith, P (2008) Propensity of citric, maleic, oxalic and succnic acids for the acquous solution- vapour interface : Surface tension measurment and molecular dynamics simulations. Chemical Physics Letter, 264. pp. 217-221.

PRAJAPATI, D and GOHAIN , M (2008) Iodine-Catalyzed Highly Effective Pictet Spengler Condensation: An Efficient Synthesis of Tetrahydro-b-carbolines. Synthetic Communication, 38. pp. 4426-4433.

PRAJAPATI, D and Gadhwal, S and SARMA , R (2008) The facile and efficient three-component one-pot Mannich-type reaction of indoles catalyzed by In(OTf)3 under microwave irradiations. Letters in Organic Chemistry, 5. pp. 365-369.

Rai, C L and Mueller, J and Struenkmann, G and Rao, P G (2008) Microbial growth reduction in sewage sludge by stirred ball mill disintegration and estimation by respirometry. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 83 (3). pp. 269-278.

Roy, D K and Bordoloi, M (2008) Montmorillonite K-10 as a reusable catalyst for fischer type of glycosylation under microwave irradiation. J CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY, 27 (5). pp. 300-308.

SINGH , H B and Adhikary, R K and Sarma, R K and SARMA, T C and Rao, P G (2008) Cultivation of Shiitake mushroom - a potential agro-industry for hilly areas of North Eastern India. Natural Product Radiance, 7 (1). pp. 74-78.

Saikia, P P and BAISHYA, G and Goswami, A and Barua, N C (2008) An efficient reduction protocol for the synthesis of beta-hydroxycarbamates from beta-nitro alcohols in one pot : a facile synthesis of (-)-beta-conhydrine. Tetrahedrom Letters, 49. pp. 6508-6511.

Saqrma, R and PRAJAPATI, D (2008) Ionic liquid - an efficient recycalable system for the synthesis of 2,4-disubstituted quinolines via Meyer - Schuster rearrangement. Synlett (19). pp. 3001-3005.

Sarmah, B J and BORAH , B J and Deb, B and Dutta, D K (2008) Dicarbonylrhodium(I) complexes of pyridine alcohol ligands and their catalytic carbonylation reaction. J Molecular Catalysis.A, 289. pp. 95-99.

Thakur, D and Baishya, M and Sarma, B and Bora, T C and SAIKIA , R (2008) Antimicrobial Resistance in Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria Progress and Challenges. In: Microbial Biotechnology. New India Publish Agency, New Delhi, pp. 349-375.

Unni, B G (2008) Meeting report - Sericulture and viable technologies for better silk production. Current Science, 95 (1). p. 1.

Unni, B G and Bora, U and Singh, H R and DILEEP KUMAR, B S and DEVI , B and WANN , S B and Bora, A and Bhau, B S and NEOG , K and Chakravorty, R (2008) High yield and quality silk fibre production by muga silkworm,Antheraea assama through application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Current Science, 94 (6). pp. 768-769.

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